We are ready to embrace this new decade and see whats in store for our family..we have grown closer in 2009 then I thought was possible..As the girls get older it is becoming easier to find things we all enjoy doing together..They each have an idea of what fun with the family is and trust me it is not the same..And yet so soon B will be telling us what she thinks is fun..
We have had a roller coaster ride this year though all aspects..emotionally, and financially..But I know it is God's way of bringing us closer to him.. I have never worried about anything as much as I have about the fear of unknown with Bristol this year..It has been so hard to just do what has to be done in our daily lives some days..I praise God she is doing remarkable..though every doctors visit I just wanted them to tell us what to expect, and though I think they had expectations of what was to come with her, they never simply told us what.. just the fear of what to expect is very hard..Yet I would have not tolerated anyone telling me what she would not be able to do..Only God himself knows what our B will accomplish and I think it is going to be Big..My prayer is through her struggles her Light will shine so bright..and maybe soften the heart of someone that needs Jesus..
It seems after one appointment with a specialist they give us a whole new set of worries..Things I haven't thought about and never noticed but now worry about..I know God does not want us to worry ..This is so hard..